New children join the training at the House of Talents every day, and are making great progress. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing them improve in our daily practice.
The number of children who train with us at the moment varies day to day. Sometimes we have as many as fifteen kids at the center, sometimes the group is smaller. We've also started with English lessons.
What is clear is that word is spreading about the House of Talents and that there is great interest in what we are offering. Many children have become very dedicated to their training and are eager to showcase their skills on the stage. We'll be continue to post updates about their progress.
The children have been practicing for a performance taking place this weekend at our center, as we will not only be celebrating Astrid's birthday but also the arrival of a student who is going to support us and gain insight into our work for a scholastic project.
We will be posting pictures and videos of the kids' performance, to show how much they have learned.
After more serious training, the kids also want to have a little fun and play. We're very happy to see how that the skills they learn in training also brings joy.
We'll also be posting more about the siblings who have been training with us very regularly and who have shown great talent and dedication.